Monday, September 28, 2009

Blog Plans and Ballet


                         Ok, so I swear this will be the last post that consists completely of rambling.  Blog plans: Once a week, I will post SOMETHING of interest to me.  These posts will be made up of organized thoughts.  At least, that's the plan! :p  I'm very good at planning things, but awful at actually following through.  Anyway, we'll see how this goes.
                         Ballet, oh ballet.  I am in a beginning ballet class at the community college.  I love dance. I think it is a beautiful form of art.  I love the way I feel when I dance.  I love rythms, beats and connecting my body with them.  I love everything about dance.... Buuuut I suck at dancing.  I'm not the worst in my class.  I'm also not the best.  And I hate being bad at things.  My uncoordination makes me feel icky and stupid.  Soooo, i'm going to stretch and practice more.  Maybe I'll improve some.  Maybe my back will be straighter, my shoulders relaxed and I will glide gracefully through the streets of NYC,  head erect, mysterious and dreamy expression on my face, airy skirts of a fairy dress floating around my beautifully carved legs. I will dance through life.  I will dance to the music of everyday.  People will see me and will long to enter into my private, perfect little world.  Or maybe not.  Maybe I should stop daydreaming and start DOING something.  Like stretching.

BTW- The picture is of Margot Fonteyn.  One of the greatest ballerinas ever.  :)

What the World Eats.

                   This photo essay is fascinating!  When I showed this to my sister she was shocked at the gross amount of food the average American family consumes in one week.  The American family's kitchen is filled with stacks of chips, pizza, meat, soda, canned food etc.  Compare that with the family from Chad.  They only have a few sacks of grain and a jug of water for a week of food.  They spend about $1.23 a week on a week's amount of food.
                   The American obsession with consumerism disgusts me.  I live in one of the most affluent areas of the United States.  Everyone is "Keeping up with the Joneses" and attempting to outdo everyone else by buying more things they don't need.  Maybe if, instead of wasting my money on things I don't need, I could set aside some to give to someone else.  Mweh.  I'm getting all preachy, so i'll stop. :p
                   Besides that, the different kinds of food people eat all over the world is interesting.  I want to travel all over and see how they live, taste what they cook, blehblehbleh!  And for no particular reason. Mostly just because I have this urge to gather as much information as I can.  Anyway, a very horrible start for a first blog post.  I need to cut back on the rambling and maybe actually READ what I write.