Thursday, October 15, 2009

Stupidity reigns supreme

I saw this article when I logged on my computer this afternoon.,196189

            I am so disgusted that Universities are handing out SCHOLARSHIPS to people who are reading at a 2nd grade level!  Seriously?!  And I'm horrified that there are people my age who don't have basic reading skills.  This isn't the middle of Africa.  There is absolutely no reason why people in a supposedly advanced society shouldn't be able to perform basic academic functions.  And the professor who just gave the football players "study guides" that had all the answers in them.  What has this country come to?!  Isn't college supposed to prepare you for careers and such?  In what career do they just let you slide through doing minimal amounts of work?   And why do these football players even bother going to college if they don't want to learn?  Scholarships should be given to students who excell academically and who are prepared to be challenged at school.  Ugh!


  1. I think the article was badly written and kind of hard to figure out what was going on... :S But I agree... the line in bold about some of them having a 2nd grade reading level.... o.O;;; if that's true, how did they get a high enough score on the ACT/SAT to even get INTO college in the first place, let alone get any scholarships? o.O;;; I can understand all the other stuff being a giant scandal that needs to be dealt with, but the 2nd grade reading level thing is just kind of... i dunno, how did this happen? I'm less outraged and more just perplexed, hahaha.


  2. I don't know if athletes even have to pass any sort of academic standards to get into schools if coaches specifically seek them out. But I have no idea how they got through highschool. Are public schools really THAT crappy?!

  3. Some of them are. But I know that most high schools, and also most colleges, require that athletes maintin at least a 2.5 GPA (or something like that) to even continue playing for the team. I know Evangel's standard is 2.0 GPA. That's like getting all C's. -.-' Sad day.
